Saturday, March 7, 2015

My Skincare Journey

Howdy Assalamualaikum...

Kali ini aku mau share sekelumit *halah* skin problem aku yang ummmhhh... nggak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata...

so yeah pregnancy and post-pregnancy hormones drives me like cuhreyzeeeeeyyy because it makes my whole face full of acnes, white heads, black heads, acne scars shown up in sudden, hyper pigmentations and so on. Ya saat hamil aku nggak berani pakai perawatan ini itu karena memang ada beberapa formula yang nggak bisa dipakai sembarangan saat hamil, karena akan berpengaruh pada janin, seperti salicyl acid dan whitening apalagi yang mengandung merkuri. Waduh jangan deh...

Aku pun sangat selektif saat memilih skincare dulu, ya walaupun tidak berpengaruh apa-apa sih... makanya beruntung sekali ibu-ibu yang nggak memiliki masalah pada kulit seperti aku ketika hamil..

Before pregnant I have no issue with skin problem. My skin type is actually normal. Pregnancy brought my skin to oily combo and acne prone skin, which is very bad for me because I never experiencing with this kinda problem before.

It's been 8 months after pregnancy and finally Alhamdulillah I can breath free. My skin looks better. Acnes, comedos both white heads and bleakheads disappear little by little. But the scars still stays, not that many so I don't really mind at all.

The hyper pigmentations which still I have till now is a stubborn kinda prob so I have to be more patient to face this guy arghhh.

Though I said that my face is better, at least for me :p but it is not a perfect one or porcelain-y kinda texture so please don't expect that much XD but once again I say better, aloooooot better.

Aku pun masih terus berusaha mengembalikan kulitku seperti sedia kala, seperti dulu sebelum hamil.. semoga bisa ya.. Amiiiin buibuuuu.... hehehe

There are, still, many flaws such as scars here and there, some white heads and blackheads but as you can see this photo I only wear sunblock, marcks loose powder which is my holygrail, blush on, eyebrow and eyeliner. I WEAR NO BASE MAKEUP as I usually do even if I only wear primer.

I am happy because until today, it takes 8 months to cure my face. I TRIED OH SO MANY THINGS. Like MANYYYY. Kalau uangku dikembalikan aku pasti kayaaaaaa mendadak XD

Here you can read my skincare journey... belum termasuk masker-masker kiriman Allah yang bisa bikin hidung aku bebas dari komedo hitam yang menggangu sih...

-First, mom's skincare which makes my face scarier than before. Bought from apoteker she believes works like magic to her but not for me.

-erha skincare,
The acnes on my face were gone but the comedos still there and the worst was, my face getting dryer, turns red which I dont like it at all. Erha used to be my skincare when I was in college. At that time I have no serious problem like no problem at all. I just want to look better. Weird I know :( soooo kalau menurut aku sih untuk treatment jerawat erha memang oke apalagi kalau tipe kulit oily mungkin bakalan cocok.

- Kiehl's, I have tried the clear corrective white series. What I feel about em? Gonna do the review soon hehehe

- Red Serum by skinlab, reviewing soon :)

- dokter Dewi Inong, sayang nya aku nggak cocok sama cream nya.. bikin kering di sela hidung dan jujur white head aku muncul setelah pakai cream ini :( huhu padahal ekspektasiku besar sekali sayang nggak jodoh padahal murah meriah :(

Here I post the before after photos. Oh probably this is not the heavier, because I bet you don't want to see my face when I was pregnant, the worst ever like EVER!

Semoga tulisan aku membantu atau setidaknya memberi sedikit pengetahuan untuk kamu yang sedang atau akan merencanakan kehamilan.. thanks for reading :)


  1. You're very pretty, and I like your blog. :) I use the skinlab eye serum it works really well!

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