Monday, December 31, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hijab Style : Formal & Feminine

Simplygeeky scarf & Artemis Chiffon Skirt, Accent Blazer, Colorbox belt, Payless wedges
Yeayyyyyy mulai memakai rok lagi :")

Btw, sabtu siang kemarin cuacanya agak aneh, panas nya nggak biasa banget. tapi subhanallah langitnya bagus sekali. cerah berawan. anehnya, mulai masuk jam 4 malah jadi dingin gitu, so I wore that blazer sebagai tindakan preventif takut kedinginan hehehehe :p
Jadilah Formal and Feminine Hijab outfit. Hehehe
Oh ya, Hijab itu kan bukan hanya kerudung loh, hijab itu penutup keseluruhan mulai dari kepala sampai kaki, makanya biasanya I call hijab untuk representasi keseluruhan pakaian. Penjelasannya kapan-kapan di share deh :D

Have a good day, guys ^^

Combo Happiness

with maksum

with anggi. look at her haircut hahahaha
Combo dating with maksum and anggi <3<3

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hijab Style : Black Into Playful Peach

Look at my super tired face huhuhuhuhu / Magnolia shirt,  Colorbox pants, Simplygeeky scarf

handmade scrapbook
You know, menyiapkan hadiah untuk boyfie itu sulit. Mulai dari 1 minggu sebelumnya sampe 1 hari sebelumnya pun gue masih berjuang untuk mendapatkan si hadiah. I bought jeans shirt, t-shirt and shoes finally. Karena gue sukaaa sekali ngeliat laki-laki dengan jeans biru muda belel dengan simply black jeans dan casual shoes. hehehe.

Oh pun belakangan gue susah sekali tidur, ditambah harus sambil taking care of my lil business Alhamdulillah bersyukur, karena kalau lil business tidak crowded nggak bisa beli hadiah dong hehehe. Senang bisa memberikan hadiah yang banyak untuk dia hehee

Oh ya, Alhamdulillah sekarang sudah bisa update blog pake laptop lagi. Terimakasih Allah:")

One thing I learned, I know nothing about you, even your shirt and shoe size

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fashion Tips: How to get the 'Preppy Hijabi' look

 How to get the 'Preppy Hijabi' look?

 I'm more intooooo causal and preppy look now. And finally I found the way to wear long scarf which fit in perfectly on that shirt. Whoo-Hoo! :D

Get the shirt here

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hijab Style : Black and White Sailor

Magnolia top, Gaudi Skirt, Simplygeeky scarf, Urban&co heels
Him : Kamu kok kaya sailor sih?
Me : Sailormoon?
Him : Bukan, sailor : pelaut. Sailor woman


Me, Era, Dewi

College's Friends

At Yuni's wedding. Congratulations.. Semoga SAMARA :D

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hijab Style : Casual Denim

Testing. Testing. Testing. I do blogpost from Apple. Will do it temporarily coz my laptop DIHILANGKAN by my brother. Feel so sad, maybe I have to do better in pray in positive way so on. Allah pasti punya rencana. :"(

Anyway, I uploaded some pics of my outfit today.... Very simple and easy to move <3

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hijab Style : Preppy and Casual

Simplygeeky scarf and preppy shirt, Urban & Co heels

Last sunday, I went to Indosat birthday celebration at Club 01 Fx, I was invited by friend. Casual black was the dresscode. As I told you before on the last post, I'm comfy in casual look. Sooooo, preppy look was my choice :D

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hijab Style : Casual Blues

You know, I'm into casual look lately. So happy and walk lightly but at the same time can't stop blaming myself for break the promise and being inconsistency! Pray for me, for us to obey and keep syar'i. Kinda hard thing, sooooo much hard. InsyaAllah.

Oh btw, I'm wearing chiffon shirt and polka scarf from Simplygeeky. Of course I'm wearing inner for the translucent top. Its pastel color, simply nice for whoever, I think hee.

I have some tips for you who wanna boost a simple hijab outfit. There you go :

1.Styling your head-scarf (stay simple, for an example : me only need 1 pin)
2. Wedges (preferably for daily outfit, skip the heels you don't wanna hurt your feet, right?)
3. Accessory  (for an ex : rme with my necklace & ring, simply eye catching)
4. Natural make up (blush your cheeks, make it soft, curl your lashes oh don't forget the loose powder and lipstick)

Have a nice try! Selamat mencoba! CHEERS \^.^/

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hijab Style : Futuristic Top

(Price : Below 100.000)
For Order :

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hijab Style : Fresh Garden

Simplygeeky scarf & artemis chiffon skirt, Cei knit top, Debenhams heels
itu mukanya gitu silau gitu sungguh bukan ngeles heheh

Sebagai penganut warna-warna basic, warna-warna di atas menurut gue sudah sangatlah fantastis bombastis colorful nya hehehehe :p. I'm not feeling low and tryna boost my mood with my outfit, I just get bored hehehe. I think of garden at that time, so walaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... sudah mirip kebun kan outfitkuuuuu :")

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hijab Style : Black and White

Simplygeeky scarf + jade asymmetric black + polka skirt white, Urban & Co wedges
 Another black and white hijab outfit. In love <3
Simple look and not too much

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hijab Style : Floral vs Denim

Simplygeeky floral scarf & sleeveless dress, TLTSN flat shoes

Gloomy saturday. Agak mellow. Kurang tidur. Nangis (padahal udah lamaaaaaaaa banget nggak nangis). Huks.

Ps : Maaf narsissss .___.