Showing posts with label Event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Event. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tears of Joy

One year old. Alhamdulillah, I pass the first year. I'm not going to share the obstacles or something miserable along my journey here hee. All I wanna do : remembering the happy, the happiest part of the journey so I have to thankful to ALLAH SWT for the blessings, without Allah maybe I will never go till this far (tears).
So many year I have to face, InsyaAllah.
So many plan I made for the next step of this journey.
May Allah SWT bless us. AMIN

Thanks for the support :")

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fashion Tips: How to get the 'Preppy Hijabi' look

 How to get the 'Preppy Hijabi' look?

 I'm more intooooo causal and preppy look now. And finally I found the way to wear long scarf which fit in perfectly on that shirt. Whoo-Hoo! :D

Get the shirt here

Monday, December 3, 2012


Me, Era, Dewi

College's Friends

At Yuni's wedding. Congratulations.. Semoga SAMARA :D

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fashion Tips: Casual & Boyish

Buat yang suka gaya kasual dan boyiss bisa dilihat tips nya di sini
Yang mau tau how to wear the shawl, let me know ya :D

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hijab Style : Formal & Glam

Simplygeeky scarf, Simplygeeky upcoming top, DIY batik skirt, Urban&Co heels

Sudah beberapa kali pake rok batik ini. Nggak mesti selalu beli baru untuk bikin tampilan kita beda kok. Untuk formal hijab outfit ,malah bisa diakali loh. Misal dengan mengganti atasannya, atau shoes, dll. The most important thing, kita akali saja supaya theme nya berganti secara signifikan. Pertama pakai misalnya gue sudah menampilkan kesan sweet dengan memadukan warna cerah. Nah untuk next performance seperti tampilan di atas, I choose Glam sebagai theme nya. Gue mau menampilkan theme 'Glamour Formal Hijab Outfit', nah maka di-mix dengan warna hitam :D. Tetep sih 'Glam' masih di dalam border gue sendiri, not too much. Karena orang simple minded seperti gue nggak akan mau ribet, seperti sudah terpatri di otak untuk selalu meng-combine apapun sesimpel mungkin. Dan terlepas dari semua hal yang gue bicarakan, I think, 'mix and match' is the key hehehe :D

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fimelahood Semi Finalist | Vote Me, Please :"D

Temen-temen, Alhamdulillah aku masuk ke 115 semi finalist Fimelahood yang diadain @Fimeladotcom aku nggak nyangka sebelumnya karena considering aku pake hijab dan gaya ku ya standart2 aja hehe. Jadi tahap awalnya itu isi questioner, lalu dari 2000 kontestan mengecil menjadi 150, setelah itu diseleksi menjadi 115. Dan Alhamdulillah masuk. Jadi hadiahnya itu ke Paris Fashion Week aaaaaaah. Mau bangettttttt bangettttttttt huhu. Aku berharap temen-temen readers mau dukung aku dengan cara vote di dukung ya temen-temen. Aku sangat berterimakasih sekali :"D

Ini foto dan deskripsi gaya ku :

Mohon doa dan dukungannya ya teman teman yang baik. Allah yang balas :"D Terimakasih banyak :"D

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Must Wear Item : Belt

I wear belt in almost every day. For daily until formal outfit. Dunno why but I think it really fit on me. And too bad, most of them noooo I mean almost all are brown. 2 of 10 are black, and the rest are brown. Not the same color. Some are dark, some camel, and soft. From braided belt, square, wide, until round shape. I bought some of them at Magnolia, and some F21. So the conclusions is, My signature style : hijab, brown, belt, what else? I haven't found it yet :p. Hmmm... I think I'm going to buy a small black braided one at the next friday. AHA! At that day me and bf and friends are intend to watch The premiere of The Avengers at sency. We're already got the tickets in 3D. YAY! \=D/

Ps : I'm in love with Zee Avi. Her voice, music and lyric are lovely.. <3<3

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Playdate With Best Mate

Yang ulang tahun harus yah men-traktir? hehehe nggak mau rugi :p
 Kali ini kebetulan diriku dan anggi. The girl in fuschia tshirt.

Extremely Happy :D

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stripey Oversize Cardi

Whoaaaaa another loose top! Beneran deh guys, loose top itu nyaman banget! Anti gerah. Banyak angin masuk hehehehe. Want one? Come and shop here !

Monday, February 6, 2012

Perfect Match Between Stripey And Oversize

Guys, this one is the new item from simplygeeky shop! Lets go here
Doain yah supaya bisa jual sesuatu yang loose terus. Supaya tetep syar'i :)
Grab it fast! Very limited stock!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Maxi Loose Skirt

Available in 3 colors. Black, Orange brick, and Dark brown
Very match if you wanna mix and match with any kind of top with various color. :D

Monday, January 30, 2012

Walking Under The Sky

my rin oversize cardigan, magnolia belt, blair pants, girl on the go chunky heels
I dream big and high. Tryna find inspiration. So. I'm walking under the sky :)

Black Into Tribal

Magnolia shirt, skirt, and belt
Hello again. This is my recent activity. Reflection. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Have Wings, I Fly High

Renata Batwing shirt - mom's present, Magnolia necklace, Forever21 belt, Point One jeans, Amante Wedges

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Graduation!


Its tooo late to salute you, nebot! Hehehe. Happy Graduation, my friend. 
The world is waiting your coming :D