Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Body Weight Point of View

Hi guys, whats going on lately was driving me crazy, yea the kinda weight thingy just made me a li'l bit insecure... it used to be... but now, hmmmmm..... lnstead of talking too much, let me just show you my photographs..

42kg - 64kg - 48kg

Well, the point is not about the weight. Im trying to share my point of view about being grateful.

At the past I might be so skinny but I never satisfied with my own body. I feel like 'noooo... im so fat, look at this fluffy cheeks and so on and bla bla bla' yes I never feel enough. I never thought 'I am skinny'. But now? Sometimes I am yelling out loud like, seriously that was me? Sooo skinny, creepy!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Outfit Inspiration: Colorful Garden

You know, when you are not in a good condition, when you are not in a good mood, when everything is just not fine, when the world seems cruel, when every little thing around you are messed up, when everyone also not that cooperative and so on and so on... Just relax, take a deep breath and spill it out.. I have another some kind of simple way like "GET UP, DRESS UP & PUT MAKE UP ON". Don't forget to add some color to your face and your outfit... it simply works on me and I bet it also works for you... Oh also find some sweetness to make it complete. You know, this instant remedy won't let you down... The world is better in a FLASH! Trust Me. Coz I did it :)

Scarf & Inner Dress: simplygeeky
Outerwear: Gaudi
Bag: Charles & Keith
Flats: Vincci

*in 35 weeks pregnancy*

Sunday, March 9, 2014

24 Years Old and Everything

So today is my birthday. But this year is different. Im married already, im going to have a baby insyaallah 3 months from now. I will be a mother, a mom, IBU which I still can't believe it's all happen to me this fast. Ready or not I have to face it soon. This year really that matter to me because several days before todays I don't feel the same like the other years, I don't feel the sparks inside my tummy. Maybe its all means that i'm grew up, I don't have to feel like anita in the past or something...

Okay thats the personal life thingy,  I also think of my work that I'm pretty sure I want to continue my postpone job due to my marriage and pregnancy life. I want continue what I have started and I feel the butterfly in my stomach so it means I'm on the right path coz I feel it feep down inside. All I have to do is concern and istiqomah.

Amin.. may Allah always bless me, my baby,  my family... Amin

<3 <3

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hijab Outfit: Brown and Gold

Scarf : Unbranded
Maxi Cardi : MyRein
Inner Dress : Simplygeeky
 Belt : Cotton On
Purse : Moms
Heels : (Unfortunately unseen :( ) Payless

Ps: Actually, necklace & belt nya itu warna gold loh, entah kenapa kok difoto kaya warna putih dan hitam gitu sih? wondering why >___<

Marriage will brought a positive side about family. I'm not a family person since mmmm you know my dad was passed away long long time ago. Mom always having her own business out there with her friendssss and so brother. Long Long time I already be an independent person, do everything almost all by myself. I grew up not like any other teenager. When I'm in trouble, fight with mom or something I went out, escaped, wherever as long as Im far away from home. I'm (still) sometimes regretting my life, why God? why me? why I cannot having a complete family like everyone has. And so on, and so on. That's lil Anita's thought which sometimes still haunting me...
Until I got married. I feel it differently . Every negative things split into positive ones in my sight. Life will never be complete without them. I love 'em with no reasons... I love my family to the moon and back :")
Love your family selama mereka masih ada di dekat kalian, jangan sia-siakan waktu yang ada. Habiskan waktu bersama, berbakti, berbuat baik kepada mereka sebelum batas waktu yang telah Allah berikan habis dan yang tersisa hanya penyesalan....


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hijab this Hijab that

Please take this post as a humble opinion of another muslimah girl on earth like me.
You may agree or disagree. :)

Mau sharing sedikit nih untuk temen2 yang udah mulai berhijab, tapi masih beginner, masih belajar, orang bilang belum syar'i, dst..Gue tau banget kok sulitnya berada di posisi kita yg sudah berhijab gini tapi kok masih juga salah ya? Masih banyak yang underestimate huhu. Padahal memakainya saja butuh pergulatan bathin luar biasa.

Jujur aja, bagi gue ini adalah keputusan besar dalam hidup gue mengingat profil diri gue yang dulu. Memang terdengar berlebihan, but true. Mungkin salah satu dari kalian merasakan hal yang sama.

As we know, tak ada manusia yang sempurna, pun kita semua harus terus belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik dan sempurna di hadapan Allah. Ngga perlu rendah diri lah kalau kita belum sempurna seperti standar yang Allah sudah tentukan. Tapi kita kan mengarah ke sana. InsyaAllah..

Oh ya, Gue juga tau banget sulitnya untuk tidak berdandan dan berpakaian menarik kok. But at least kita harus selalu berusaha untuk tampil sesederhana mungkin dengan tetap menggunakan pakaian yang sesuai aturan yang sudah jelas.

Memang banyak temen2 kita memberikan contoh yg jauh dr sempurna, ya nggak perlu lah gue sebutkan di sini, nggak perlu juga menilai bahkan menjudge saudara sesama muslim kan? Okay kalau begitu, minimal kita usahain deh untuk nggak ikut2an... Kalo masih ikutan ya dikurang2in gituuu :p. Contohnya nih: Kurang2in deh tuh yg biasa tiap hari pake bulu mata palsu, dipakenya kalo ke wedding party aja. Atau biasanya pake kuteks jadi pake pacar kuku aja. Sederhana ajaa yukkkk :D

Hmmm, so it means kalo masih suka berdandan trus kita ngga boleh berhijab dong? Duhhh bukan begitu, boleh kok! Banget malah! Dimulai aja, belajar dulu, semua ada prosesnya kok. Tapiiiii... jangan juga kita malah berlindung in the name of 'masih belajar' lalu kita berpakaian semau2nya yg penting berhijab yaa. Nggak gituuuuu juga sisters :)

Nggak mau jadi ikon negatif untuk agama kita kan? Atau menjadi olok-olok orang "ih jilbab-jilbab kok bajunya ketat" atau contoh lain yang nggak mau ah gue sebutin. Nanti malah jadi contoh lagi huuuu :(. Back again, jadi walaupun orang bilang kita masih jauh dr syar'i tapiiii setidaknya kita harus tetap berpakaian baik.

Contohnya: usahakan deh kerudung menutup dada, pake rok, kalau masih celana juga yang longgar aja. Berpakaian yang simple. Tanamkan niat kalau ingin sempurnakan diri.

InsyaAllah kita pelan2 juga sadar dan mengerti, semakin lama berhijab semakin besar rasa malunya. Semakin mau menutup rapat2 aurat kita, dll.

Menurut gue, hidup itu seperti menaiki anak tangga, melangkahnya adalah proses dan menapaki anak tangga selanjutnya adalah achievement. Sama seperti berhijab. InsyaAllah dengan berhijab kita sudah naik di tangga pertama artinya kita sudah achieve 1 step! Be proud of it! :D. Nah, anak tangga selanjutnya mungkin; gak pake celana lagi, memakai kaos kaki, gak cukur alis lagi, gak pake kuteks lagi, dll

Kalo gue selalu mengingat tiap progress, karena setiap achievement yang gue capai menjadi kebahagiaan tertentu untuk gue, penting banget :D. Daaan.... Kalau hijab yang sempurna adalah anak tangga teratas, mau tak mau, suka tidak suka (Nanti lama-lama menjadi mau & suka bgt Amin) kita harus heading there :D. Cepat atau lambat, sulit atau mudah, insyaAllah harus kita lalui. Siapa sih yang tak mau berada di anak tangga teratas? :)

So buat temen2, yuk sama2 belajar & saling dukung utk memperbaiki diri terus di jalan Allah. Istiqomah dalam menghijabi diri juga meningkatkan ibadah. oh ya, kalau di post ini gue selalu menekankan untuk berpakaian baik, its true sisters, kalau membuat citra Muslimah kejauhan setidaknya buatlah citra baik untuk diri kita dulu. Semoga Allah selalu menguatkan kita & memudahkan jalannya. Amin O:)

Peace on earth till Jannah, InsyaAllah :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Yawn Yawn Boring

Hai. Kenapa judulnya begitu? karena post ini akan berisi banyak sekali tulisan yang membosankan. Kalau ngga mau ngantuk cepet-cepet di close aja hehehehe. Why I have to pretending like everyone loves me? I think logically btw :P

Okay, di awal tahun 2013 yang baru hampir 2 bulan ini sudah banyak sekali hal-hal yang terjadi khususnya kepada gue. Mulai dari hal yang baik, menyenangkan, mengagetkan, membuat haru, tangis bahagia, hingga menyesakkan, menyedihkan semuanya terkemas rapih dalam hati gue ini. Drama banget ya..
That's me, sometimes I over reacting to something which probably might not happen for real.

Entah yang akan gue tulis ini akan menjadi tulisan penuh kebahagiaan, penuh syukur atau bahkan menjadi tulisan yang akan memberi kesan gue ini kurang beryukur atau apapun disebutnya. hehehe
Semua orang mau menjadi bahagia seumur hidupnya dan di akhirat kelak. Banyak yang menjadi tolak ukur kebahagiaan bagi manusia yang biasanya tidak selalu sama. Gue lebih menyukai kebahagiaan-kebahagiaan kecil yang gue lihat dan terjadi di sekeliling ge setiap hari, sekadar tawa, canda, memakan makanan enak, memasak, memakai make up, memilih baju, merapihkan kamar, melihat orang-orang yangingin kita lihat setiap harinya, memiliki tempat berkeluh kesah, memiliki teman yang baik, dan hal-hal kecil yang bisa membuat gue bahagia. Tentu gue juga memiliki banyak hal besar yang membahagiakan gue yang rasanya panjang kalau diceritakan hehehe. 

Well, gue coba pilih salah satu hal besar itu, menikah hehehe...
Siapa yang nggak mau menikah? ketika perempuan sudah cukup umur perasaan itu terus ada, perasaan ingin memulai hidup baru. Senyum menyimpul lebar ketika kita menyebut kata itu, membayangkan betapa indahnya, bahagianya dan lain-lain. Ya kan?:D Jujur sekali, gue menantikan hari itu, untuk memastikan siapa jodoh gue, orang yang akan hidup bersama hingga selama-lamanya. Tidak hanya berhenti di sana, my head keep thinking apakah semuanya akan selalu tentang keindahan dan kebahagiaan? Dari dalam hati yang paling dalam, gue juga sering bertanya, apakah gue siap untuk menikah? Siapkah untuk menghadapi dan menjalani hal yang selalu panjatkan dalam setiap do'a. Gue sendiri belum tau jawabannya. Dan jika, gue diizinkan untuk menikah, apakah jalannya akan lancar? Untuk mencapai sesuatu yang bahagia itu apakah sudah pasti gue tidak merasa sedih? Karena jika kita ingin mencapai kebahagiaan yang abadi tetapi dengan cara yang tidak baik, gue merasa ada yang salah, kurang ideal... 

Hehehehe... Jadi ngomongin pernikahan. Semoga kita semua selalu diberikan yang paling baik dalam hidup kita. Jodoh, rezeki, Ibadah, semuanya... AMIN :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Forever Grateful

Life, could you be more fair to me?

Sometimes I just can't explain to those people who never understanding my life. And why should I explain? It's not even their business. I never taking care someone's life, btw. Why ppl so rude to me.
I'm living my business life not because of I can't find a proper job nor I'm not qualified. I'm risking myself in business because I want to.

Banyak orang yang membicarakan tentang mimpinya, impian, cita-cita. Tapi hanya sekedar mimpi, angan dan harapan. Nyatanya mereka tetap melakukan apa yang bukan menjadi keinginan mereka. Bukan menjadi fokus dan impian mereka. Bahkan sebagian melakukan hal yang mereka benci. Di hidup ini, gue cuma mau jujur sama diri sendiri, cuma mau menghidupi apa yang menjadi mimpi dan concern gue. Gue mau apa yang ada di hati, otak, kenyataan ini menjadi selaras semua, sehingga ketika gue mengerjakan sesuatu, lalu semuanya bersinergi. Hasilnya gue sehat body and soul. Energi yang dihasilkan juga positif. Nggak mengeluh dan nggak mengenal rasa letih. Oh ya, Gue juga nggak mau melakukan hal yang ketika gue kerjakan, gue jadi orang lain, yang gue nggak suka. Bayangkan kalo gue harus melakukan hal-hal tadi seumur hidup. Aaaaaa.

Di bisnis ini gue merasa lebih menemukan sesuatu yang gue cari selama ini. Ketenangan hidup. Then again, gue bisa juga kok menjalani hidup seperti biasa, seperti ketika gue kerja. Soal finansial itu relatif. I think, cukup atau nggak nya tergantung gimana cara kita mensyukuri hidup ini, hidup yang bukan secara kebetulan disiapin sama Allah.

Gue tau, yang gue jalani ini bahkan belum napak di tangga pertama, bagi sebagian orang malah belum bergerak. I'm not that worry. I feel blessed even more and more. menurut gue, urusan 'napak' atau tidaknya, tinggal diserahkan sama Allah. The most important thing, I'm walking the right track. Straight to my dream, bukan belok kiri, kanan atau putar arah.

Guys, whatever we do for living. Perbedaan apapun yang terjadi diantara teman, keluarga, dll sebaiknya kita saling menghormati. Jangan karena pilihan hidup sesorang yang beda lalu kita underestimate, kita anggap tidak kompeten dan lain-lain. Mulailah menghargai, saling respect dan mendukung. Dengan begitu, bukannya hidup kita semua lebih tenang? Lebih indah.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Eid Mubarak 1433 H

I know that it is a very late post!
Wishing you all a very blessing body and soul after Eid :"D

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fimelahood Semi Finalist | Vote Me, Please :"D

Temen-temen, Alhamdulillah aku masuk ke 115 semi finalist Fimelahood yang diadain @Fimeladotcom aku nggak nyangka sebelumnya karena considering aku pake hijab dan gaya ku ya standart2 aja hehe. Jadi tahap awalnya itu isi questioner, lalu dari 2000 kontestan mengecil menjadi 150, setelah itu diseleksi menjadi 115. Dan Alhamdulillah masuk. Jadi hadiahnya itu ke Paris Fashion Week aaaaaaah. Mau bangettttttt bangettttttttt huhu. Aku berharap temen-temen readers mau dukung aku dengan cara vote di dukung ya temen-temen. Aku sangat berterimakasih sekali :"D

Ini foto dan deskripsi gaya ku :

Mohon doa dan dukungannya ya teman teman yang baik. Allah yang balas :"D Terimakasih banyak :"D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hijab Style : Sweet & Sour

 Foto sebelum makan chicken bbq + wedges + 5 pieces bonchon

My fav chicken wing bonchon

 Foto setelah makan chicken bbq+wedges+5pieces bonchon. lihat perutnya x_x

 Kenapa sweet and sour? Karena coklat itu manis dan buah peach itu asem, kinda match with my outfit, rite? hehehe selain itu ada juga pesan lain yang mau disampaikan, Well, in one moment ternyata kita bisa dapet kabar baik sekaligus buruk. Half happiness half misery. Half sweet half sour. Hmmmm yea that's life. Normal aja kan? Atau kita yang belum terbiasa menghadapinya? Or we are human beings who make it unusual....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hijab Style : Stripe Black & Tosca

Simplygeeky chiffon scarf & chiffon skirt, New Look cardigan, Urban&Co wedges

Halo again, temans. Alhamdulillah kita sudah memasuki bulan suci Ramadhan. Banyak sekali nikmat dan berkah yang telah Allah beri menjelang bulan suci ini. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah thank you Allah thank you so much for everything. That's all I wanna say. :")

Anyway, Simplygeeky already produce their own products We've done print scarf and print skirt. We're going to produce our own chiffon skirt and basic chiffon scarf. Akan ada juga formal dress yang sudah mulai masuk produksi sample. Chiffon scarf bisa dilihat di basic chiffon scarf feel free to ask to the number that is available there :D

Thank you Allah. I'm so thankful :")

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Its all about 'I don't know'

You know, sometimes I'm down thinking of something I don't know for sure. Like now, I don't know what just happened to me and I don't even know why my brain keeps working, counting, thinking, and its scares me!! My heart also drumming uncontrollably, like thousand beat per second! >.< God help me. I'm done ngaji and so on but still insecure. What actually happened to me :""" Huhuhu I don't know why I'm writing on my blog right now. Maybe just don't know the right person to tell, so just do it like ...I don't know ........... x_x

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We Are Entrepreneurs T-shirt

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! In love with MotivasiSkin T-shirt! Its an unusual tees! You can spread the spirit through the tees! Hey, hey, hey! No need to be a motivator to spread the spirit, right? We are a happy positive young generation could also do the same thing! Sooooo, what are you waiting for, guys?
Fyi, Me chosing 'we are entrepreneurs' T-shirt! You? :D

Go follow MotivasiSkin on twitter : @MotivasiSkin
Go to their WebStore :
Go grab it fast! :D

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Simple Happiness

shillin & dairy queen : green tea blizzard
Woo-hoo! Level happiness : Maximum \:D/
Find your own happiness, guys!

Btw, my bf running his online shop from now on! Its tees. A motivation t-shirt. So, for you who wanna spread the positivity to the world. Feel free to visit his web-store, simply click MotivasiSkin
Follow : @MotivasiSkin

Bellow is the example. One of a kind, ha? :D

Then, I give you 3 mantra to feel extraordinary.
Spread the positive spirit, be happy and stay humble
xoxo :D

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Stressful Released

my bf looks slimmer. noooo, not a cam trick, he is slim now :D

Lately, I'm in the mid of misery. I spent my time unwisely, sometimes I hate the situation around me, I hate noisy sounds behind. I just can't take a deep breath, can't be more tough since I know I had very heavy responsibility to my life, to my family. I spent my time unpleasantly. I used to smile and happy but sometimes failed miserably. Just failed that way. I taught myself, I'm happy, I should not listen all the noisy sounds behind, so on. But sometimes, I just can't. I need to speak up, and when I do, seems like no one understand. Oh that's okay. Yeah that's Okay. Then back again, I have to grateful every single time, I have to stand right on my own feet, no matter what. I have to hang on to Allah, I have to surrender myself to Allah and on my knees begging to Allah, human not.

Besides, I'm very thankful God sends me a person which was with him, I always succeed release my pain. We almost touch 6 years relationship. I'm no lying. Its not as smooth as you've seen btw, its just the same with common ppl. We ever hurt each other, broke up and so on. But the most important thing, we complete each other, that's worthy :)

And sometimes blogging also kinda self healing to me, I'm not intend to share my own private life. No! I just wanna share that life will never be perfect, as always. And we have to understand and grateful in every imperfection life that Allah gave to us. That's cool tho.. How if you own everything you want and no need to take a big effort to reach something that worth to you? Kinda boring, rite? Then, you'll never know what is desire, what is hard work, and you will never pray to Allah since you don't want anything else.

Oh-Well, I maybe wrong. May I underline? We will enjoy a very perfect life later, in Heaven :)

Actually, happiness is found anywhere. For me, its like a cup of green tea + choco chunk blizzard dairy queen, like a crunchy bite of chitato, like a simple 'are you okay, dear?', like a glass of yogurt drink, like a glass of thai tea coffee jelly dunkin donuts, like making an artwork, like typing thoughts, like enjoying Korean drama, barbie movie, etc, like sniffing lotsa perfume at mall, like collecting cute rings, like ....and so on :D

Sooooo, let's find your own simple happiness from now ON! :D

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Introducing Simplygeeky Web-Store was moving to

There, you can easily order, check the details of the product, very clear information about the reseller, so on
The reasons why we are moving, simply because :
We are going to improve our own products, so we're decided to build a web-store.
We are convince that web-store will give us more challenge
InsyaAllah we will be one of a syar'i label for muslimah
Ans insyaAllah will spreading lotsa positive things.

Thanks for the change that you all give to us about last 5 months.
Thanks for the loyal customers and friends who always support us.

Wish us tons of luck. AMIN



Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I see, people are too busy taking care of someone's physical appearance, so on. Until forget about the positive thought and spirit she/he might have. I saw a victims of bullying. She was being intimidated because of her face. Hmmm something like ugly, weird or whatever. I just even cannot understand, if the face be the number one judgement beside another criteria to be deserved, to be received by common people

I just wanna ask, could we make some request to God when creating our face? .....
We already know that we cannot force God to make a face that we wanted. We just cannot and impossible to do, right?.

But if the regulations so. Then we have to be pretty first, ha? So people will agree with, no matter how bad our influence, no matter how cruel our attitude. Its unfair, fellas... But wait.. What's pretty by the way? Being loved by many, skinny, tall, have a fair skin, black long hair, driving a car and wearing branded item? if those things were the criteria of pretty, I myself give up and be the most ugly person in the world :)

In my opinion, we can't even define someone by the faces, by physical appearance, etc. But hey, feel the ideas, the thoughts, the positivity, for what they are stand for, the things they do and so on. That's way more fair. For me, for us, for human being...

Ps : Did you know? Our face is original made by God. That was the best thing God did for us. So, never hesitate to grateful and praise God more, more and more.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Lately I faces many problems. Seems like I've been trapped in the middle of strangers. I don't know who they are who actually really close to me, but sometimes they were really meant, huks. But, I can't do anything. I'm just silent. Well, the most important thing is, Me, Myself, and I have to learn the anger management since I can't control this feeling. Feels like I'm going to change into HULK! Well said! Yes! I have to be more calm. Then, I just can ignore mean people and I let myself forget it and stay happy with my own thought :D


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Life Point Of View

In life, what should we be? Be great? Be huge? Be super? Be perfect? Even, sometimes should be fake? Just to prove and show the world you’re same with common people. You are at least be the one of world standart rules? And, so you cannot be defeated?  Had a super massive power? Impress people with your strength? Laugh at people weakness? Should reach more than people achievements? Fulfill every world demands? Everything almost about money. Are you really wanna be controlled by money? I know that money could change the world if it puts in the right way. I know. But, its not the only aim we live the life. Isn’t it right? :) So, What's your definition of life? What should we actually be?

Me also don’t know the answer. But, sometimes we have to fulfill those requirements so we looked as a normal human who had a proper life. Happy  and always put a lil tiny smile on our faces. Then, people never ever dare to judge and ‘kick our butt’. So, we have to be something which the world wants? We have to be someone which the world wants? So, We live in world rules instead of we rule the world? Be the servant of the world. If the terms and conditions are too hard like those sentence mentioned by me, then I’d rather die.

Why? If we have to be someone which isn't truly ours, too harsh ruled by people even world, always think that prestige and dignity come first, and so on. Then, what's the real meaning of life? In your opinion, what's God purposes when creating human and world? To make us do the arrogant thingy? To press other? To showing off? To prove something?. Sometimes we just forget the truly aim of life. Sometimes we think we should be huge first then after that precious life come. Sometimes, we simply misinterpret something.

For me, those requirements are just a self motivation to make an improvements. Not be an arrogant one but be humble. Not just have an ambition but forget the faith and everything. Sometimes, we just forget and ignore. Not every of us could be the one they wanna be, right? Not everyone wants controlled by sparkling world thingy, right? Not everyone could walk in others shoes, right? Not everyone could control the world by their power, right?

But it doesn’t mean people who live that way are useless, nothing, and don’t deserves the world. We have to change our mind. In life, its not all about power, evidence, money, perfection, show off, and so on. For me, in life, just be us and be useful to human being. Help each other and together achieve what people call proper life. Remember, our life is really worth. That depends on our intention, be great or be useful. Or be both of them? Why not?

Let us control the world and let world be the witness of our movements. Dare you? :)

Ps : sorry for bad grammar *peace*