Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Outfit Inspiration: Colorful Garden

You know, when you are not in a good condition, when you are not in a good mood, when everything is just not fine, when the world seems cruel, when every little thing around you are messed up, when everyone also not that cooperative and so on and so on... Just relax, take a deep breath and spill it out.. I have another some kind of simple way like "GET UP, DRESS UP & PUT MAKE UP ON". Don't forget to add some color to your face and your outfit... it simply works on me and I bet it also works for you... Oh also find some sweetness to make it complete. You know, this instant remedy won't let you down... The world is better in a FLASH! Trust Me. Coz I did it :)

Scarf & Inner Dress: simplygeeky
Outerwear: Gaudi
Bag: Charles & Keith
Flats: Vincci

*in 35 weeks pregnancy*


  1. Dah berapa bulan bumil...lama ga ketemu dah gede aja perut..hehehe....

    1. Udah masuk 9 bulan nih mas huhu. Doain yaaaa. Iya udah lamabangetttt nggak ketemu :D
