Showing posts with label Maternity Outfit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maternity Outfit. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hijab Outfit: Stripe Blue Stripe Brown

Scarf & Inner Dress: Simplygeeky
Outer: Unbranded
Bag: Vincci
Flatshoes: Rubi

*In 39 weeks of pregnancy*

Take a look, Hubby just got his haircut. Lookin fresh, right? :P

Friday, May 23, 2014

Outfit Inspiration: Sweet Chocolate

Scarf: Such!
Dress: Ilquina
Outerwear: Bought in bogor FO
Belt: Cotton On
Bag: Vincci
Shoes: Rubi

In my 3rd trimester I feel like I am changing.. I'm not a fan of sugary stuff, I am not even really like cakes. sweet tooth stuff or very sweeeeet drink and so on... But, it alllll changesssss hahahaha....
I nowadays is a sugar monster! It feels like I want to eat all the chocolate in the world :"""""
Yeaaa... pregnancy lead us to strange situation... huhuhu random stuff..

Well anyway, I am already in 38 weeks pregnancy, so it means I am waiting for my water breaks so it means I'm going to meet junior soon! Maybe 1 or 2 weeks :") Pray for me yaaaa

I have some random thing hihihihi.. Well everyone loves their clean face right? Sooo many people using the camera 360 to make their face looks soooo farrr away from their original face. Take a look I'm playing with that. hahaha sooo random and unimportant :p

with no filter
with beauty mode, hmmm sort of camera 360
See you :D

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hijab Outfit: Another Black and Shocking Pink Combo

Scarf : simplygeeky
Dress: Upcoming collection from simplygeeky
Outer: Tenabang
Bag: Mango
Flatshoes: Rubi

* in 37 weeks of pregnancy*


Take a look at my body, sudah nggak berbentuk since udah naik 15kg :D

Anyway, you know that I have a running clothing online shop since 2012 but, it seems going so slow. So many obstacles I faced and so on and so on. But, I'm not a loser who wants to stop running that business. I still having a big obsession ehmmm, obsessed word no good lah to use hehehe, maybe dreams yes dreams! I still want to build the clothing line with all my heart.
So, insyaAllah after give birth I want to relaunch all the thingsssss, from website to product. I wanna make this thing to be serious matter, insyaAllah hubby also wants to help me. Anddd... I ask you all whoever read this post, please please pray for me for the plan and also the delivery day hehehe..

I know you are too kind, sometimes you just drop by not even posted a comment :p

hehehe.. see you ^^

Monday, May 12, 2014

Playing Dress Up

Scarf & Denim Shirt: simplygeeky
Dress: Bought in Malaysia
Sunglasses: Bought in Malioboro
Necklace: Forever21
Bag: Charles&Keith

*in 36 weeks pregnancy*

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Outfit Inspirations: Peach Overdoze

Scarf & Inner Dress: simplygeeky
Shirt: Forever21
Bag: Charles&Keith
Flats: Vincci

*in 35 weeks pregnancy*

I'm trying to boost my pale look with color. And I'm so gonna fill my wardrobe with color yeaaaaaah im into color nowadays. Bring it ON!
this nitrogen ice cream is sooo and it so delissssssssh

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Outfit Inspiration: Colorful Garden

You know, when you are not in a good condition, when you are not in a good mood, when everything is just not fine, when the world seems cruel, when every little thing around you are messed up, when everyone also not that cooperative and so on and so on... Just relax, take a deep breath and spill it out.. I have another some kind of simple way like "GET UP, DRESS UP & PUT MAKE UP ON". Don't forget to add some color to your face and your outfit... it simply works on me and I bet it also works for you... Oh also find some sweetness to make it complete. You know, this instant remedy won't let you down... The world is better in a FLASH! Trust Me. Coz I did it :)

Scarf & Inner Dress: simplygeeky
Outerwear: Gaudi
Bag: Charles & Keith
Flats: Vincci

*in 35 weeks pregnancy*

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hijab Outfit : Ruffle Purple

Scarf: simplygeeky 
Blazer: Rampage
Dress: Tenabang
Bag: Guess
Shoes: Rubi

*In 34 weeks of pregnancy*

So, last sunday I attend the hijab day event at Gandaria City. No, not because I'm one of that hijaber hijaber thingy hehehe but I wanna shop some of nursing wear hehehehe. Andddd... I got some... also my hubby bought me bag and wallet. He is become so nice day by day. I am not even want to buy wallet but he just force me to buy one hahahah... Such a cutie pie. I love you, didiii :* :*

And I am entering the GATE of 34 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes it is haunting me. I sometimes think about how to birth a baby, how much pain I have to feel and so on and so on... As every woman birthing baby, it means I am as a woman also can do that. I can pass that H day. InsyaAllah...

Please, dear kind reader pleaseeeee pray for me and my baby... Amin :")

See ya^^

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hijab Outfit: Earthy and Floral

Scarf: simplygeeky
Dress and Outer: Bought from ig shop
Shoes: Rubi
Bag: Vincci

Date with hubby always fun. Munching my fave food selama kehamilanku iniiiih hiihihih :D

*in 32 weeks of pregnancy*

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hijab Outfit: Black and Peach and Floral

Scarf: simplygeeky
Knit Cardi: New Look
Dress: bought at Chinatown, Kuala Lumpur
Belt: Colorbox
Bag: Guess
Shoes: Vincci

*in 31 weeks of pregnancy*

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hijab Outfit: Navy & Tan

 Scarf & Inner Dress: Simplygeeky
Cardi & Belt: Cotton On
Bag: Vincci
Flatshoes: Rubi

Kehamilanku sudah masuk 28 minggu... Berat sudah naik 10kg menjadi 54kg :O
Huaaaa perut sudah semakin mancung, sebentar lagi I'm pop... rasanya campur aduk huhuhuhu
Please pray for me :")

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Babymoon Day 3: Bukit Bintang

Hari ketiga, we're strolling Bukit Bintang Street..
My fave place hiihihihi..

Jadi pagi-pagi kita langsung aja cao dari hotel ke Medan Tuanku St, dari situ cumamngelewatin 2 station aja untuk sampe ke Bukit Bintang. Langsung aja kita ke Sungei Wang, Fahrenheit, Starhill dan Pavilion huehehehehehe....Ngapain? be la nja. Both wifey and hubby :p:p

Belanjaan kita rada banyak, untung muat di tas nya ayah jadi nggak banyak nenteng-nenteng. Ya kita belanja yang worth juga lah, yang murahnya bangetbanget ya masa nggak dibeli sih hihhi. Oh ya, trip kali ini sebagai hadiah ulang tahunku dari suami tapi di sana tetep minta beliin sesuatu sebagai hadiah hehehehe :p

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Babymoon Day 2: Central Market - Petaling Street - TAR Street


Lanjut lagi ceritanya hehehe :p

Hari kedua kita memutuskan untuk beli oleh-oleh dulu. Yah maklum deh sekarang keluarga nya nambah banyak jadi harus nyempetin beli oleh2. Walaupun sedikit yang penting kebagian satu-satu.
Okay, jadi hari kedua kita memutuskan untuk ke central market, katanya di sana pusat oleh-oleh murah dan harganya juga udah fix jadi gabisa nawar lagi. Sebenernya bisa kok nawar dikit-dikit hehehe

Okay jadi kita dari hotel naik LRT di Sulltan Ismail St lanjut ke Masjid Jamek terus lanjut lagi ke Pasar Seni, dari situ udah tinggal jalan kaki aja sebentar. Cuaca di KL waktu itu panasssssssssssss banget jadi kita nggak foto-foto banyak, ditambah lagi bawa perut buncit, padahal suamiku udah beli tongsis segala... ehhh nggak kepakeeee huhuhuhuhu :(

Nunggu LRT di Sultan Ismail St

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Babymoon Day 1 : Kuala Lumpur - Suria KLCC - Petronas Tower

Hollaaaaa.... Assalamualaikum....

Alhamdulillah, back to blog :D

Kali ini aku mau cerita pengalaman 4 hari babymoon ke Kuala Lumpur bareng suami. Alhamdulillah masih dikasih kesempatan rezeki yang tak terhingga dari Allah, hamil-hamil pun tetep bisa traveling.
Hehehe sebenernya sih ya, tiket kita ini sudah dibeli tahun lalu sebelum kami menikah dan nggak tau kalau akan langsung hamil seperti ini, oh ya ini pengalaman kami ke2 traveling bareng loh. Karena selama pacaran berabad-abadpun kita belum pernah jalan-jalan bareng, mentok di mall ajah hihihihi (lebay)...

Day 1 in KL... 

Kita berangkat tentunya pake budget airlines, AirAsia :p ambil flight paling pagi jam 5:40. Sengaja karena too excited :P So kita harus berangkat dari rumah jam 3:30 karena haru check in bagasi dan harus lapor surat dokter karena kehamilanku yang menginjak 26 minggu waktu itu.
Check this an that ad the bla alhamdulillah selesai mulus... and finally kita terbang juga dan sampai dengan selamat, alhamdulillah... Sampai di LCCT karena pake budget airlines ya jadinya kita mendarat di sana deh, mudah2an next time ada rezeki supaya bisa mendarat di KLIA. Amin....

Sampe di sana, aku mual banget mungkin karena di pesawat suami pesen nasi lemak dan nyobain sedikit, asam lambung seketika kumat dan langsung aja muntah di toilet. Legaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... hihihih setelah itu kami lanjut ke imigrasi yang lumayan antri. Oh ya, in my opinion yah entah kenapa setiap kali ketemu pegawai negeri sipil nya Malaysia selalu ramah, baik gak sombong2 tuh kaya di sini. Mungkin pada sadar kali ya digaji pake duit rakyat, pake pajak dll. Di sini, orang imigrasi mukanya asyemmmm, coba di kelurahan? kecamatan? hehehe kalo nggak dipersulit, ya nggak semua loh kaya begitu, some of them aja yang pernah aku temuin (no offense) :D.

Lanjut lagi, dari LCCT kita naik skybus ke KL Sentral, tiketnya udah dipesen via web bareng pesawat. Dari KL Sentral naik KL Monorail ke Medan Tuanku Monorail St. Lumayan tuh jalan kaki dorong2 koper tapi alhamdulillah kuat sehat walafiat semangat mau jalan-jalan hihihihi..

Medan Tuanku Monorail St, muka pucet abis mual muntah hihihihi

Tune Hotels, budget hotel sister company nya Air Asia

Makan di resto Nasi Kandar, ini pesenan ayah, nasi briyani
Kita berdua nginep lagi-lagi di budget hotel hihihi, jalan-jalan hemat :P Lokasi nya juga strategis banget, deket sama Medan Tuanku Monorail St dan LRT st Sultan Ismail. Kalo nggak hamil sih aku kuat banget bolak balik terus kaya waktu di Singapore hihhihi. Trip kali ini pake taxi 2x nggak jalan kaki terus hehehe..

Sampe hotel, kita berdua langsung makan di resto apa gitu sebelah hotel, aku foto sih tapi lupa dimana adanya, itu enak dan murah... Nasi kandar, prasmanan gitu, kebetulan banget aku dapet yang enak dan ayah nggak gara2 milih nasi briyani hihihi. Nah abis itu kita langsung bobok dulu ngilangin capek, dan bangun-bangun udah jam 4 waktu KL. Siap-siap bentar langsung deh si ayah ngajakin ke Petronas Tower dan ke Suria KLCC.

Dari Medan Tuanku kita turun di bukit nanas, ganti ke LRT Dang Wangi turun persis di depan Suria KLCC. Makan sebentar trus lanjut.... Belanja hihi. Trip kali ini aku lumayan belanja gak kaya waktu ke SG hahahaha, rezeki baby, dan alhamdulillah ayah juga lagi baik banget :P

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Outfit Inspiration: Touch Of Electric Blue

Scarf & Inner Dress : Simplygeeky 
Inner shirt: Unbranded
Cardi: Forever21
Shoes: Icon99
Bag: Mom's

*In 26weeks of pregnancy*

More into colour nowadays. I wish I have blue and maroon shoes and bag hahah *random*
Oh ya, soon me and hubby are going to have a babymoon, later I post the review here.
Doakan kami sehat selamat sampai kembali ke Indonesia yah..

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Outfit Inspiration: Bubble Gum


Decided to wear another scarf hehehe :p
Scarf: Simplygeeky 
Outerwear: Gaudi
Stripe Dress: Colorbox
Belt: Colorbox
Bag: VNC
Flatshoes: Icon99

*in 25 weeks of pregnancy*
 Love to put make up on my face lately. I don't know why :D

I feel like bubblegum alive hahah :p you know since my body and tummy so big right now hehehe.
In this 25 weeks of pregnancy oh so many drama I got. Start from I cannot easily fall asleep, I also lack of sleep. I suddenly woke up in the mid of night just because I felt like somebody wants to kill me right on the neck .__. or lost of my breath or BACK PAIN or heartburn or uncomfortable position I had or weird dream and so on and so on. Too much grumbling yah? heheh
I still happy kok :)

Oh forgot to mention that I love to eat snacks right now. Not even just love but LOVE. huhuhuhu maybe thats the reason why I swallow like a bubblegum>.<

I love to eat chocolate and candy and  biscuit and ice cream and stuff. My goodness I am so out of control nevertheless I still hope I can getting back my pre-wedding body. :( pray for me ya? huhuhu.. Amin Amin Amin....