Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hijab Outfit: Favorite Preppy Style

Sweater: HNM
Shirt&Necklace: Forever21
Bag: VNC
Shoes: Amante
Others are unbranded

Another fun-day meeting special friends! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

First #OOTD in 2015

Top: Simplygeeky
Scarf: Renata
Skirt: Magnolia
Belt: Cotton On
Necklace: Forever21
Bag: Vincci
Shoes: Amante

It was always a special day to meet special friend. We had so much fun yay!
So, she is one of my bestfriend. Bukan cuma 1 atau 2 tahun, kita temenan sudah dari kecil banget. Hmmm.... dari sebelum TK bahkan hehehehe bukan kok bukan karena saudara tapi teweng yang nama aslinya dian ini tetangga deket banget hehehe *yaiyalah temenan dari TK, tetanggaan! heuheuheu... Sebenernya kita baru deket itu waktu SMP sih deket banget dan masih ada juga 2 temen lainnya. But I think, the closest one is her. Kita emang jarang banget ketemu, apalagi sekarang ketika saya udah ada Arkana. But we sometimes chat one to another. Just talking about random thingy. She is a tough girl like ever hehe but me even more lol :P Dia pernah merantau bekerja di pulau sebrang, but maybe that thing makes HER now. And finally we met. In order to finding some stuff for her road to marriege. Yes, what I said is true. She is getting married... I am happy because masih bisa ikut bantuin. Speaking of married, dulu waktu saya menikah tidak sempat mengajak teman-teman ikut serta. Ingin sekali memberi seragam, begini, begitu, but you know, a classic reason, yea.. money... cliche! At that time, I was like hell, I have no enough money lol! Okay that was the thing I will remember like forever. Journey of life. Okay, so.. I am so happy for my dearest friend if you read my post I am pray for every step you take in your life...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hello 2015

Alhamdulillah nggak kerasa sudah masuk Tahun 2015, well mungkin postingan saya ini amat sangat terlambat but better late than never right? :P Pergantian tahun bukan menjadi moment khusus untuk saya dan keluarga, dari dulu nggak pernah merayakan juga sih. Biasanya kami khusus nya saya cuma suka menikmati kembang api di langit, nggak perlu beli, tinggal lihat saja ke langit gratis hihihihi...

Tahun 2014 adalah tahun yang sangat spesial buat saya khususnya keluarga kecil saya, karena ada 2 moment yang sangat spesial:

1. Alhamdulillah bisa Traveling yang kedua kalinya bersama suami di bulan Maret ke Kuala Lumpur, sebenarnya bertiga dengan Arkana yang waktu itu masih berada di dalam perut saya. Iya saya lagi hamil 6 bulan. Moment ini akan saya ingat terus, rasanya traveling dengan membawa perut besar, naik turun tangga di MRT dll sangat spesial hehehe, sangat memorable karena belum tentu bisa traveling lagi dalam kondisi hamil hehehe. InsyaAllah next traveling bareng sama anak kami yang lucu dan pintar sekali. Amin..

2.  Kelahiran anak pertama saya, Arkana Zayyan Ragata pada bulan Juni. Melalui proses yang nggak begitu membuat pilu sih hanya saja Arkana lahir melalui operasi caesar yang terencana.. Alhamdulillah nggak menyangka dikasih keturunan langsung setelah menikah dan sangat tidak menyangka lagi ternyata anak kami ini pintar dan lucu. Alhamdulillah.....


Resolusi Tahun 2015 saya nggak banyak, hanya saja saya ingin sekali rencana-rencana ini bisa terealisasi..

1.  Hidup lebih sehat, bangun lebih pagi, food combining nya dijalankan sebenar-benarnya. Karena yang tersisa sekarang hanya makan 3 buah untuk sarapan (lebih tepatnya buahnya saya blender dan langsung glek) hehehe
2. Bisa umroh bareng suami dan anak(optional)
3. Traveling bareng suami dan anak saya, entah dalam atau luar negeri ketika anak kami sudah setidaknya genap berumur 1 tahun.
4. Punya rumah sendiri? Bismillah bisa ya hehehe karena kami masih numpang nih di rumah orang tua.
5. Lebih giat menabung dan membeli barang yang perlu saja. Amin
6. Kalau dalam Agama, saya ingin sholat lebih rajin lagi di awal waktu, sholat sunnah dan tadarus lagi seperti sebelum menikah. Amin
7. Ingin lagi membangkitkan bisnis yang jalannya kaya siput. InsyaAllah bisa.. supaya rencana-rencana di atas cepat terlaksana.. Amin
8. Mendukung semangat saya untuk segera berdagang lagi, tahun ini saya ingin sekali membeli designer watch dan bag yang sudah saya ingini sejak lama... Mudah2an bisa terlaksana Amin
9. Rajin ngeblog supaya bisa menjadi catatan hidup saya hehehe, minimal 1 minggu 3x lah ya nggak muluk-muluk hehehe

Hmmm sepertinya resolusi saya simple aja.. Bagaimana dengan resolusi kamu? share di comment dong :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Steal The Look: Breastfeeding Slash Nursing Outfit To Wedding Party

Scarf: Tenabang
Outer: RA by Restu Anggraini
Dress: Breastfeeding Dress by Nyonya Nursingwear
Wedges: Payless
Bag: Mango

Arkana muka bantal baru bangun bobok ._.

I know fellow mommy, I know that you, me, we are sooooo hard slash rempong to find what suit us best when we want to attend a wedding party with our little baby. Breastfeeding can be so much easier nowadays. What you need is just breastfeeding friendly long dress or inner dress wear blazer or formal outerwear like batik or songket fabric and you are done. Make it as simple as you can because sometimes you need to carry your baby, right?

For hijab style also no need to make yourself hard, mom. Stay away from pin or jarum pentul, you may pin it up your head but please make sure it safe and far from your baby's...

Last but not least, make it  comfy :)

That's it for today. Thanks for reading.. ^^


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hijab Outfit: That Comfy Pants

Scarf: Simplygeeky
Outer: Magnolia
Pants: Unbranded
Belt: Cotton On
Bag: Zara
Heels: VNC

Back at the time when I pretty much care about what I wear on my body I am sure I always put oh so many sprinkles like necklace, ring and bracelet. I love the shine of goldie jewelery yea I am that creep when most of people I know loving a silver one but me, I love gold :P
But now, I cannot rock the sprinkles anymore because I have a 6months baby
which sometimes I have to carry him all day long hehehehe...

Last thursday, I had a fun time with best friends of mine. Never get bored, laugh out loud... If I have to conclude to some words Barney... oh mature me.. "Life is better with friends like you"

That's it for today, thank you for reading :)

Monday, December 22, 2014

Hijab Outfit: Favorite Formal Blazer

Somehow I look nice when it comes to candid photo haha NOT

Scarf: Paris Hijab
Belt: Cotton On
Dress: Gaudi
Blazer: H&M
Bag: Bagquire
Heels: Payless

Everyone near me absolutely know that I am the one who never grow up from playing dress up. I mean, I love mix and matching what I wear. I love pairing my new clothes with the older one. I can mix it even hundred times without any worries I would look the same with the outfit I wore yesterday. hehehe. I don't wanna wear the same composition I made two days ago or going to package without any accents or something. I am that much aware with what I wear. I don't dress up for anybody but me. Sometimes hubby even careless with my appearance... When I'm bored I look at my wardrobe and thinking of some composition for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow's outfit and back fresh like I had some hair treatment at salon. Or when I feel like about to sick I just need to go to the mall and looking around, sniffing a good scent, take a deep breath like I am on the the top of fresh mountain, so now you know my fave place like I am crazy girl, I kinda have an overly attached relationship with mall...

But, when those of remedy were not helping anymore. That obviously pretty heavy situation. I think I need a holiday. Out of town, out of country! Like now, I never been this situation before. I feel like between tired like literally tired both body and soul, exhausted, I kinda less care with my relationship with my Creator and so on. So I need a literally BREAK!

That's pretty weird I know .... :(

So rather than dramatize what I feel know, let me show you my current interest to makeup stuff. I love it so much. No I didn't do it like everyday. I wore the mask once a week maybe two times in several occasions. I usually put a minimal make up for my daily life, I mean when I have to go to mall, doctor, this and that. I have no office to visit, but sometimes, in a full week I have so many schedules hehe no kidding.

Maybe some of you want to know my makeup routine either full make up or just simple and natural makeup or even just what I did on my eyebrow without plucked in it, just comment down bellow.. maybe I kinda have some feelings to make it on a video.. he he he

well, that's it for today.. Thank's for reading my dear friends..

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Being a Full Time Mother

I love my family so much even I can not describe how much I love em. Here I am trying to mention some. My kid, he is a very smart baby which I never ever imagine before. I teach him how to eat by himself, I don't expect that much but he show me like incredible progress. You can visit his Instagram @arkanazayyan to prove my words.

My husband, he kinda serious man but in front of me, he is annoying yet awkward like literally a crazy man you guys never thought before. He has an evil smirk but actually kind hearted. He said no to even his family but me? He always find so many ways to accomplished my wishes, which sometimes even I can not believe he is that kind like generous guy I ever met in life. Sometimes I thought the price I mention was like nonsense but he pay the bills! And so on..

That were only a little, I can write all night long just to describe how they are mean to me... no, I need more time..

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hijab Outfit: Casual Black and White

 Scarf: Simplygeeky
Shirt: Connection (matahari)
Pants: Cool Teen (matahari)
Shoes: Marie Claire
Bag: VNC

FYI, I am in the middle of battle with my acne scars. There, and now I am not wearing anything as a base makeup beside a moisturizer and sunblock for a daily basis. Why? because I don't need to hide any drama what so ever. I don't care anymore, all I need is a fresh clean face and base makeup make it slower. So the eye brow, eyeliner, lipstick and lil bit tint on my cheeks will be a point now!
I am gonna post my journey with that annoying thingy latter ya...


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014

Hijab Outfit: A Bit Color on Casual Look

 Scarf: Simplygeeky
Outerwear: Magnolia
Bag: Zara
Shoes: Vincci
Pants: Unbranded

Do you spot my oh so shiny cheeks? I am wearing tinted lip balm on my face ha ha ha ha.

I am becoming more casual and package nowadays, because as you know.. I have a 6 months old baby, I have to taking care of him so this style oh so suit me very perfectly.. So far away from syar'i I know... :(