Friday, December 2, 2011

Looking For What, Ladies?

Already december, without waiting any longer we will welcome a new year. Yes, a real 2012. By the way, do you guys already achieved your resolution in this year? Just so you know, I have none. Yea I have no resolution as well. Kinda fool person, right?! If you are with me, don't worry! Let's do it in the beginning of 2012! Let's try hard to touch the goal that we've made! Let's pray even harder to Allah SWT. FIGHTING!!!! May Allah SWT grant our prayer. AMIN. Anyway, I wanna share some activities, with friends, looking for something :)

 (pepper lunch time)


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Work


Yes, that's sebagian design banner yang udah gue buat. Sebagian emang agak gimana gitu karena permintaan dari yang membayar hehehehe. And anyone of you yang mau buat boleh, I'm freelancer, btw. Please contact me at Thank you :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another Wedding Party

 (Anin & Wahab)

 (my elementary school friends : me, intan, yuli, ovi, rika, zulfalah, hafiz, zaki, fikri, yuki)

Congratulations Anin (my elementary school friend) & Wahab (of course her husband)
Selamat menikah, selamat menempuh hidup baru..
Semoga pernikahan nya Sakinah, Mawaddah, Warrahmah. 
Cepet nyusul ya temen-temen yang lain :P

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I love The Color Of Earth And Chocolate

I Love The Color Of Earth And Chocolate. Ah, warna coklat selalu menjadi warna favorit gue. Eniwei, bumi tuh warna nya kan biru yah bukan coklat. Maksud gue warna tanah, yang membumi, berarti kan coklat. Oke ini maksa. hehehe. If I buy stuffs always end up with this color. Selalu coklat. Coklat lagi. Kenapa? Ya gue mungkin agak konvensional, classic, well jadul .....isssh! Ah warna coklat kan hangat, jadi mau terus deket-deket, nyaman, terus selalu laper :")
-dapet salam dari postingan nggak jelas! iiiiiih-


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cara Membuat Masker Madu Untuk Wajah

Belakangan, karena stress, pola makan yang kurang baik, pola tidur kurang benar, maka jerawat satu per satu pun mulai berdatangan. Konsultasi dokter sana-sini juga udah dilakukan. Hasilnya wajah bersih sih, tapi masih ada bekas noda-noda hitam bekas jerawat. Agak ngerepotin juga, tapi gue udah fed up dengan chemical yang belum tentu terjamin hingga gue tua nanti. Lalu gue googling dan tanya ke Ibu, dikasih tau deh Cara Membuat Masker Madu Untuk Wajah ini, katanya sih khasiat madu ini bisa menghaluskan, mengencangkan dan menghilangkan noda-noda hitam bekas jerawat. Nggak ada efek sampingnya lagi! Whoaaaa selain rasanya manis ternyata punya fungsi lain yang menguntungkan yah. hihihi keren!

Gimana cara buat masker madu ini? Lets check it out!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cara Alami Peeling Wajah Di Rumah

I'm back with Cara Alami Peeling Wajah Di Rumah. Why? Because now I'm working from home, so everything handled from home. Last month I've got my facial treatment right at skin beauty Menteng because of acne, before that my face was handled by Ka Wijaya and Erha. But, gue ngerasa bosen dengan segala macem perabotan lenong stuffs yang nggak asik banget, lengket, dan butuh tingkat ketelatenan untuk mengaplikasikannya secara rutin di wajah. Apalagi sekarang sudah memakai hijab, center of attention jadi ke wajah, jadi wajah harus terawat! Duh, bagi pemalas kaya gue cara peeling alami ini praktis banget deh, apalagi bisa diaplikasiin di rumah.

So, here we go!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stripey Black And Blue

Been so stuck for several days. Still struggling with my premature business. I believe this product will lead my life. Nothing I have beside Faith, hehehe. Eniwei, continuing my last post about wedding party, I have another wedding invitation, its about 4 invitation. KINDA WHAT? 4? WHAT? Empat ajah!!! Its proven that November is musim kawin, rite? Hoho. By the way, these pictures are me wearing cotton shawl pashmina. My very first time. I'm in love with this light cotton veil. And so I love my appearance right now, with hijab. Make my day calm and relax. Thank You ALLAH. If only I can hug you....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hijab Outfit for Wedding Party


(Magnolia shirt&belt, glo bangles, DIY batik skirt, Urban&Co wedges, others are unbranded)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

High School Friend Wedding

Have you ever received a birthday party invitation when you're in high school. Seventeen birthday party and so on. Well, since my age turning 21, since I grew, since I graduated from college, or you may say since gue beranjak tua. The Invitation changing into Wedding Invitation. HAHAHA pernikahan masih menjadi Awkward thingy buat gue. So far I already attended 3 wedding. Two of them was from college buddies. Last night I was attend my high school friend wedding. She's my classmate from 2nd and 3rd grade. The wedding was so sacred, opened by pedang pora its military tradition, because the groom is team of kopasus, if I'm not mistaken. Everything is great, I just can't imagine life's run real fast. It's about 4 years since I graduated from high school. Oh GOD!!! Oh, it was also like gathering or reunion with my high school friends. NICE!! 

And what about me? The wedding? HAHA I can't even imagine >.<

 ( Dwi & Zul )

 ( Maksum, Me, Dara)

 ( Adiena and Me )

 ( Ochie, Me, Adiena )

 ( Maksum, Me, Putro, Ochie )

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Quote Of The Day

"Shit happen when we're disgraceful. We already know that things happen for reason. Praise more. Grateful more. We'll be blessed even more"
                                                                                -Anita Nur Indah-