Thursday, January 16, 2014

Three is Better Than Two


I want to tell you a lil sweet story of mine..

Since I married last september, everything has changed. I'm no longer living forever in my home sweet home, no I'm not 100% move for good but I live in 2 places right now. My house and my husband parents's house. As we planned before, this month is the right time to move into our own house. But Allah maybe haven't give us a permission because He straight away sending the very sweet gift God ever given to us. I got pregnant. Yes, I got pregnant just a month after our marriage. Oh. It's. So. Surprising. Until I don't know what should I do, because honestly it was too fast. I think I am not even ready at that time.

3 months I passed. Ehm first trimester to be exact. It was uhhhhhh so tough! Really tough! I got the sick head, sick body, morning sickness I even sick along the day. I ate 4 times and spill it out like 5 or 6 times. I also easy to feel hungry, I also easy to feel full. I am in the middle of very uncomfortable 1st trimester. It was interesting! Maybe Allah wants to show me it is not that easy to be a mother, so respect your mom Anita! hehehe I did I always did dear Allah, even if my mom speaking out loud yelling at me I always put a high level of respect to her. I swear to you Allah :)

Okay back again to my sweet story ....

Oh dear friends, maybe the condition of pregnant woman not always like this, I have some pregnant friends and they're almost don't feel the situation like I felt. oh VERY GOOD, they say like, " at the 1st trimester, I have a normal life I think I'm not pregnant at that time" Hoooooooh soooo LOVELY STORY I EVER HEARD >_< Yes I'm jealous right now!

Oh well, above all... making human being is not an easy job, it is tough you know! hehehe

Yes you can say lotsa words and mumbling like that until you found blood and spot at your panties and cry out loud as you ever met your baby ha, Anita?

hehehe yes.... I'm bleeding at 12weeks pregnancy. It's because I lack the progesterone. I don't know for sure but at least the doctor said that. Almost 3 weeks I stay at home, no heavy activity no mall no dinner no lunch at my fave resto so on so on. No not the doctor but my mom said so .____. whereas I was fine at that time.

Since that accident, I love my baby more than I found the 2 stripes testpack. I love my baby more than ever :")

Now I'm in 19 weeks pregnancy. Please whoever read my story, pray for me and my baby for always stay healthy, happy, strong until the due date.  Amin yarabbalalamin :)

So here I post some pictures of mine during this pregnancy .....

12 weeks

15 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks

17 weeks

Okay, see you next time.
 Have a wonderful day,

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Jogjes Day 2: Keraton Ratu Boko

If you guys are having plan to go to Jogja don't ever skip this place. Selain bisa melihat sunset, pemandangan di sana juga bagus banget! First, jalanan yang harus ditempuh untuk mencapai tempat ini juga nggak sembarangan. Jalan menanjak, berkelok2, tebing terjal hmmm quite scary. But no need to worry ada kok shuttle bus yang bisa kita tumpangi langsung dari Prambanan untuk menuju ke sana. Biasanya di gate masuk Candi Prambanan petugas akan menawarkan tiket terusan Prambanan + Ratu Boko. Nah langsung beli aja kalau nggak salah harganya 45.000 atau 65.000. Hehehehe lupa :p

Daripada lama-lama mending langsung liat sendiri aja deh ya foto-foto nya hehehehehe :P

Setelah naik tangga lumayan lama, sampe juga di gate nya. Itu tuh yang ada di belakang :D

Hubby what are you doing there? :P

 Bayangkan hamparan rumput luas dan untuk beberapa waktu kita hanya berdua saja di sana  di dalam suasana mendung kelabu sehabis hujan. Sounds spooky, ha?


Dari hamparan rumput luas tadi, kita haru jalan kaki melewati hutan gelap tak terurus untuk pindah lokasi ke tempat pemandian ratu. I swear to Allah, hutan yang kita lewati itu ngeri banget kaya di film hunger games ngeri banget pokoknya. Perasaan udah nggak enak aja berasa diikuti orang karena memang kita cuma berdua se-Ratu Boko. Ada sih orang asing tapi mereka malah sibuk mainan sama kambing.___. 

Di tengah hutan ternyata ada gua, gua nya ada dua. Menurut papan bacaan di sana, kalau kita ngintip ke dalam kita bakal ngeliat kelamin wanita dan gua yang satu nya lagi kelamin laki-laki. Nggak sempet difoto, kita berdua deg-degan rasanya pengen ngibrit aja :p
 Konon kabarnya, tempat di atas itu bekas pemandian ratu. Sudah hancur gitu karena alam...
hmmmmm...... atau karena nggak dirawat aja hihihihi >.<

 Karena Ratu Boko berada di atas bukit, ketinggiannya nggak tau berapa tapi lumayan tinggi hingga dapat view tebing-tebing dan pohon-pohon tinggi gitu.

Karena kita nggak berhasil ngeliat sunset dan keujanan pulaaaaa huaaaaaa makanya kita duduk-duduk minum-minum di Ratu Boko Sunset ajadeh, lumayan dapet veiw asik. Oh iya, kata petugas di sana, dari boko sunset tanpa naik ke atas sebenernya juga udah bisa lihat sunset. Yah mungkin kurang beruntung. Next time kalau ada kesempatan lagi semoga bisa lihat sunset dari Ratu Boko :D

Seru kan?
Masih banyak nih cerita di hari-hari berikutnya, tapi bingung mau dilanjutin atau enggak hehehehe :P

Have a nice day, good people!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Jogjes Day 2: Borobudur & Prambanan Temple

Day 2...


Naik kereta istimewa ke borobudur hanya bayar 7.000 dapet air mineral botol hihihihi

To be honest, ini kunjungan kedua ke borobudur. Kapankah kunjungan pertama? sekitar 17 tahun yang lalu ha ha ha but yes, when I was 5yo. Sebenarnya my dad asli orang jogja tapi setelah beliau meninggal dunia kami sekeluarga jadi hilang komunikasi dengan saudara-saudara nya. Okay, nggak perlu cerita aneh-aneh juga. Hmmm sengaja banget emang mau ke jogja karena memang mau mengenang jalan-jalan bareng alm. papa hehehehe. Hmmmmm di borobudur quite sunny. EXCUSE ME? not quite sunny but VERYYYY SUNNYYYYYY :P. Awalnya mau beli topi lebar biar hits >.< tapi pas dicoba-coba nggak ada yang pas di kepala dan kerudung, copot-copot terus gitu. Akhirnya sewa payung deh, 3000 only, itu juga sampe dimarah-marahin hubby since kita merencanakan nggak naik sampe atas jadi ya nggak kepake juga deh hiihihi.. Kita nggak lama-lama kok di sana, karena hari itu banyak banget destinasi yang mau dikunjungi... next:


Dari Borobudur kita langsung ke prambanan. In my opinion, Prambanan lebih cantik daripada borobudur, entah tapi ngerasanya lebih adem diliat atau karena udah sore kali yah hihihi. Di Prambanan kita hanya 30menit karena ngejar shuttle bus ke keraton ratu boko. Paket tour nya sudah disediakan kok di prambanan. 65.000 all in Prambanan & Keraton Ratu Boko. Mobil travel kami langsung nunggu di sana. Kita naik shuttle bus dari Prambanan ke Keraton Ratu Boko. 

Lanjut besok lagi yah hihihihi :P

Ps: all photos captured by my hubby ^^ (dia yang paksa harus di-post begini.___.)

Hijab Outfit: Blue-ish

Day 2...

What I wore for traveling...

Scraf: Simplygeeky
Bag: Belleza
Shoes: VNC
Others are unbranded

Friday, December 20, 2013

Jogjes Day 1 - Pantai Indrayanti

Well finally...................................
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya update blog juga :D

Kenapa sih nggak update2? Jawabannya simply because, I'm sick :(
But, i dont wanna make a drama, jadiiii lets share the happiness instead :D
hmmmmmmmmmm okay...

Akhir bulan lalu, me and hubby jalan-jalan ke Jogja. You know what? Selama 7 tahun pacaran ini kali pertama kita jalan-jalan bareng loh. Seriously. Selama ini hanya dating ke mall aja, nggak pernah tuh ke luar kota apalagi ke luar negeri sama mantan pacar hehehe ya karena alasan bukan muhrim hihihi memang kita pacaran tapi mantan pacar menjunjung tinggi agama dong :"D

Okay back to Jogja, hari pertama dari bandara Adisucipto langsung ke pantai indrayanti. Pantainya lumayan juaaaaauuuuuuuh harus ditempuh kurang dari 2 jam tanpa macet wuooooow . Jujur sampe ketiduran 2x dan nggak nyampe-nyampe juga hehehe tapi alhamdulillah kebayar sama prjalanannya karena pantainya bagus, bersih, ya kebetulan kami bukan anak pantai :P

After that kita langsung cuss hotel karena lumayan capek. Kita nginep di Dafam Fortuna di daerah malioboro tepatnya di seberang Mall Malioboro, nama jalannya jalan Dagen.

Sampe hotel langsung tidur dan bangun-bangun udah malem, setelah itu kita strolling malioboro makan-makan di pinggir jalan. Duh Seru banget jalan-jalan sama cowok yang udah halal hihihih..

Lanjut besok yah :P

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hijab Outfit: Black and White into Fuchsia Pants

 Scarf: Simplygeeky
Shirt: Gaudi
Pants: Mom's
Bag: Guess
Shoes: Icon99

Prime Tenderloin Steak
You know I felt like I want to eat meat everyday. Umm no no meat but steak. Yes Steak only ha ha ha and my current mood isss.... to eat crab !!!!

Went out with the gurlssss. Teweng and Fira... Happyyyyy :D

Hijab Outfit: Tweed Jacket

Scarf: Paris
Tweed Jacket: LunaMaya
Inner Dress: Simplygeeky
Bag: Guess
Flatshoes: Icon99
Sun-date with hubby to the my fave snacks Bonchon hahaha. 
You know I think I want to eat bonchon again tonite :P

Not in the mood of writing and blogging lately huks :(

Friday, November 15, 2013

Hijab Outfit: Fall Colour

Scarf: Paris
Top: Afrodit Tailed Top in White by Simplygeeky
Skirt: Parisian Skirt by Simplygeeky
Shoes: Icon99

Do I look fatter? Pale maybe?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Hijab Outfit: Prints!

Hi Hi Hi... Assalamualaikum
I want to share my new design for simplygeeky label.
Scroll down please^^

Moroccan Peplum Top available in red and blue. Size S/M & L/XL. Favorite!

 Luna Rosie Shirt. Size S/M

Multi-way Candy Tunic. Size: Free, fit to small L

Let's go to Simplygeeky
Limited Stock, Grab it fast!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hijab Outfit: Brown and Gold

Scarf : Unbranded
Maxi Cardi : MyRein
Inner Dress : Simplygeeky
 Belt : Cotton On
Purse : Moms
Heels : (Unfortunately unseen :( ) Payless

Ps: Actually, necklace & belt nya itu warna gold loh, entah kenapa kok difoto kaya warna putih dan hitam gitu sih? wondering why >___<

Marriage will brought a positive side about family. I'm not a family person since mmmm you know my dad was passed away long long time ago. Mom always having her own business out there with her friendssss and so brother. Long Long time I already be an independent person, do everything almost all by myself. I grew up not like any other teenager. When I'm in trouble, fight with mom or something I went out, escaped, wherever as long as Im far away from home. I'm (still) sometimes regretting my life, why God? why me? why I cannot having a complete family like everyone has. And so on, and so on. That's lil Anita's thought which sometimes still haunting me...
Until I got married. I feel it differently . Every negative things split into positive ones in my sight. Life will never be complete without them. I love 'em with no reasons... I love my family to the moon and back :")
Love your family selama mereka masih ada di dekat kalian, jangan sia-siakan waktu yang ada. Habiskan waktu bersama, berbakti, berbuat baik kepada mereka sebelum batas waktu yang telah Allah berikan habis dan yang tersisa hanya penyesalan....
